All top makes of data centre blade and rack-mounted servers could be managed through a single interface, after supplier Raritan Inc put out an upgraded version of its management software.

The management software release for the Dominion KX II KVM-over-IP switch system has been developed to present administrators with all types of server assets set in a hierarchical display that offers a more complete view of the data centre estate.

Raritan said the software can now be used to manage blades from all the leading server manufacturers of IBM, HP and Dell.

Blade servers are self-contained high-density server stacks that are ideal for specific purposes such as web hosting and cluster computing. They have become extremely popular because their architecture is simpler and cheaper to manufacture than other server configurations.

Raritan’s CommandCenter Secure Gateway management system expands the capabilities of the Dominion KX II line, which automatically discovers blades and will identify them with name and/or slot number for one-click user access.

When used with Raritan’s power management products, the Dominion KX II can also be used to remotely control a server’s power.

The company said that an administrator would log onto a single IP address using a standard web browser to access and power control all the physical and virtual servers across an enterprise.