Under the terms of the royalty bearing agreement, Qualcomm has granted Cheng Uei Precision Industry (Foxlink) a worldwide patent license to develop, manufacture and sell modules and modem cards implementing the CDMA2000, WCDMA and/or TD-SCDMA standards. The royalties payable by Foxlink are at Qualcomm’s standard worldwide rates.

Derek Aberle, executive vice president and president of technology licensing at Qualcomm, said: Foxlink’s experience with consumer electronics devices, including their entry into the production of displays utilizing Qualcomm’s mirasol IMOD technology, will now grow to include the development and manufacturing of 3G CDMA modem cards and modules.

Recently in August 2008, Qualcomm and Shanghai HuaQin Telecom Technology announced that they have entered into a subscriber unit license agreement. Under the terms of the royalty bearing agreement, Qualcomm granted HuaQin a worldwide license under its patent portfolio to develop, manufacture and sell CDMA2000 subscriber units and modem cards (including Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Assemblies for sale to other device suppliers). The royalties payable by HuaQin are at Qualcomm’s standard rates.

Headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, Foxlink is a developer and manufacturer of communication devices, computers and consumer electronics. The company has two principle business lines – components and assembly – which support the production of communication and consumer electronics devices such as cables, connectors, handsets, MP3 players, video game consoles, Bluetooth headsets and GPS units.

Qualcomm is engaged into developing and delivering digital wireless communications products and services based on CDMA and other advanced technologies.