PubMatic, an ad revenue optimization company, has enhanced its dynamic default optimization technology that allows publishers to ensure maximum revenue from every ad impression, despite ad network defaults.

According to PubMatic, dynamic default optimization is a proprietary technology that provides publishers with management of defaults across multiple ad networks in real-time, resulting in 30-300% increase in revenue for publishers. Defaulting occurs when an ad network is unable to fill an ad impression on a website with a paying ad.

Most publishers with significant inventory manage their ad networks’ default impressions by setting up a static daisy chain of ad networks based on expected ad rates from these ad networks. However, setting up a static daisy chain is a very manual and cumbersome process that consumes a lot of time and is ineffective because ad network pricing is constantly changing. PubMatic’s technology can identify the ad network that can best monetize an impression in real-time, ensuring the publisher makes the most revenue possible from the ad space.

Rajeev Goel, co-founder and CEO of PubMatic, said: The status quo method of setting up a static daisy chain of ad networks to reduce money lost from ad defaulting is greatly flawed. The only way a publisher can ensure maximum revenue from every single ad impression is to know which ad network can best monetize each impression in real-time and PubMatic’s dynamic default optimization is the only solution that makes that possible for publishers.