Digital publishing services provider Pressmart has launched eMag 3.0, a digital publishing and delivery solution, to enable publishers all over the world to offer content to their users over the web.

The new eMag 3.0 claims to offer 3D thumbnails, article text view, enhanced caching technology and multi-format XML based delivery that converts the news in a format that users can use on different devices including RSS, audio and mobile. It also enables the management of subscriptions, ads, analytics and support in a single view.

The company said that by using its on-demand digital platform, publishers can go digital on web, podcast, mobile,and RSS even without any technical knowledge.

The company also said that with its marketing, subscription and advertising tools, publishers can start monetising from digital delivery from almost day one.

Sanjiv Gupta, founder and executive chairman of Pressmart, said: The eMag 3.0 offers deep analytics into the digital edition online traffic and user reading behaviour, giving invaluable insight to the editorial and ad marketing teams of a publication. Customers can also launch their new media platform faster, far more efficiently and cost effectivelyā€¯.