Omnicity, a provider of fixed wireless internet service, has acquired the customers and equipment of broadband services provider Cue Connex.

According to Omnicity, Cue Connex began in 2007 bringing broadband services such as internet, telephone and television to mainly rural areas of the Midwest. One of the first projects Cue Connex completed was a fiber optic connection to one of Indiana’s school district corporations. The Cue Model will add vital municipal services to Omnicity’s broadband offerings including Automatic Meter Reading Infrastructure to water and utility companies and First Responder networks for police, fire and EMS.

Greg Jarman, COO of Omnicity, said: We are very excited about the Cue Connex acquisition. The Cue Model adds a fourth utility to our existing rural deployments and gives us the ability to add fiber and a true carrier-class wireless infrastructure into our expanding municipal network.

Laurie Byall, CEO of Cue Connex, said: Omnicity has a proven broadband operations team and quality customer service. Omnicity’s acquisition team has extensive broadband experience in rapid growth through acquisitions which is why we took a stock only deal for our business. We look forward to being a strategic fit with the Omnicity team.