According to the company, the service will enable BlackBerry developers and testers to control via the internet numerous remote BlackBerry devices, including the recently launched BlackBerry Pearl 8220 flip smartphone and the BlackBerry Bold 9000.

Additionally, the service claims to offer the BlackBerry developer community cross-device automated solutions, designed to support the BlackBerry development and testing processes. With automated solutions, users will be able to install applications on BlackBerry devices with a click of a button, automatically send SMS and email messages to the device under test and intuitively compare how their mobile web pages are displayed on various devices, said Nexperience.

By using the Nexperience service, developers will be able to ensure optimal compatibility of their mobile product or service with more BlackBerry devices and mobile networks – gaining better quality, shorter time to market, and lower overall costs and logistical efforts.

Eran Yaniv, CEO of Nexperience, said: We are very excited about the launch of our Blackberry-focused service at the BlackBerry developer conference. Our service will benefit RIM and the BlackBerry eco system of developers and users. By enabling access to both old and recently-launched devices and by eliminating costs and logistical barriers, our service will drive developers to ensure that their product or service works well on more BlackBerry devices and in the target mobile network.