NDS, a provider of technology solutions for digital pay-TV, has opened a new R&D, engineering and customer support facility in Shenzhen, China.

According to the company, the new office will primarily focus on the development of software for advanced middleware, customized electronic program guides (EPGs), and innovative digital service capabilities as well as services all tailored to meet the specific needs of the Chinese pay-TV market.

NDS said that it will increase staff levels in China by over 50% to support the new site, forming part of NDS’s ongoing expansion in China.

Sue Taylor, senior vice president and general manager for NDS Asia Pacific and chairman for NDS China, said: NDS first started working in China in 1998 and it remains a very important market for us. With this investment in Shenzhen, we can step up our development work with local vendors and provide our Chinese customers with solutions that are ideally suited to the local market.

“Our increased presence in China will also allow Chinese CE and STB manufacturers to increase export revenues. This mirrors our approach in Korea, where we have supported Korean CE manufacturers for over eight years by providing them access to NDS’ global base of operators.”