About 37% of US teens, aged between 12 and 17, go online through their smartphones up from 23% in 2011, according to the survey by the Pew Research Centre.

According to 2012 Pew survey, released on 13 March, about 74% of survey respondents revealed they do occasionally access the internet on cell phones, tablets and other mobile devices.

About 23% of teens also owned a tablet computer and 95% of them use the internet while 93% have a computer or have access to one at home.

The survey also found 71% teens with home computer access would most often use the laptop or desktop, which they share with other family members.

Pew Research Centre internet project senior researcher, Mary Madden, said the nature of teens’ internet use has transformed dramatically from "stationary connections" to "always-on" connections moving with them throughout the day.

She said: "In many ways teens represent the leading edge of mobile connectivity and the patterns of their technology use often signal future changes in the adult population."