Capgemini UK, a subsidiary of Capgemini group, said that the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) of London has extended the information and communications technology (ICT) contract until December 2015.

The contract extension covers the three-year period 2012-2015 and renews the existing seven-year IT support contract between the two organisations, signed in 2005.

Capgemini said that the contract is expected to provide an estimated £43m savings in supporting the day-to-day work of London’s 55,000 police officers, staff and community support officers through increased automation, improved joint processes and rationalisation of services.

The contract is expected to see closer collaboration to streamline management control and simplify reporting structures. The movement of some Capgemini support services to centres in the north of Scotland will deliver higher cost-effectiveness and the entire work will continue to be carried out within the UK, the company said.

The company said that it will continue its partnership with its main subcontractors, BT and Unisys. BT’s services include upgrading and rationalising the MPS’ voice and data networks, and Unisys supports application management, data centre hosting, desktop and server break fix.

Dean Grant, VP and MPS client director of Capgemini, said: "I am naturally delighted that our work with one of the world’s finest and largest police forces has been recognised and rewarded, following rigorous benchmarking, by the award of this important three-year extension. I am confident that further success lies ahead on the road to 2015 as we pursue our policy of continuous improvement and no-standing-still with energy and determination."