LM Ericsson Israel has signed an agreement with Partner Communications, an Israeli communications operator, to upgrade the latter’s existing networks and the deployment of fourth generation network in Israel.

Under the agreement, LM Ericsson will upgrade, replace and expand certain parts of the Partner Communications existing cellular and fixed line networks and the maintenance of the networks, including enhancement of Partner’s abilities with respect to the cellular and fix line ISP services.

The company said that the terms of the agreement will be effective from the date of signature and until 31 December 2014, while the replacement of its switches and radio equipment is scheduled to be carried out by the end of the year 2012.

Partner Communications CEO Gelbard said the company has led the communications market in Israel in establishing the first GSM network there as well as establishing the first third generation network that was launched in Israel.

"The content of the Agreement signed, will enable Partner to continue leading the technological arena in the communications market while upgrading its technological abilities and establishing the first fourth generation network in Israel," Gelbard said.