NEC BIGLOBE, a member of NEC Group and a Internet service provider (ISP) in Japan, has partnered with BMC Software to implement the latter’s Remedy IT Service Management offering to improve handling efficiency by 30% while enhancing productivity.

The company uses BMC offerings to manage and automate the handling of incidents on the BIGLOBE Service Platform.

BIGLOBE has selected the BMC Atrium Orchestrator and the BMC Remedy IT Service Management Suite to automate handling of incidents.

A reduction of approximately 120 man hours per month by automating 30% of the incident workload is acieved.

BIGLOBE plannning to expand the scope of automated incident handling by fully automating simple alert responses for administrators.

"Rather than simply offering infrastructure, we want to provide a typically well-furnished BIGLOBE service by offering incident response automation functions built with BMC Atrium Orchestrator as optional services customers could choose directly," said Nakajima.

BIGLOBE has started to develop a cloud hosting platform for Infrastructure-as-a-Service offerings.

By the end of September 2011, BIGLOBE was expected to expand the scope of automated processes and move into full operation to achieve savings of 800 hours per month and automate two-thirds of all incident handling.