IBM has released a new vulnerability detection application, QRadar Vulnerability Manager, that claimed to help businesses identify, sort, contextualise and prioritise network vulnerabilities in real time.

Offering a prioritised view across entire network, the new technology would enable security officers to rapidly reinforce and build up their defences.

The system also merges the vulnerability data into a single view and allows viewing results from multiple network, endpoint, database or application scanners, where it can also be reviewed and managed.

IBM Security Systems Division general manager, Brendan Hannigan, said that security Intelligence is about putting all the available data into context, and making it useful for each client’s unique security needs.

"We have relentlessly expanded QRadar’s capabilities, and tight integration of vulnerability management is the next natural extension," Hannigan said.

Offered as part of the IBM Security Intelligence Platform, QVM runs through security holes and assists in closing them to potential exploits, apart from those hidden behind firewalls, linked with inactive applications or otherwise unreachable from external attacks, the company said.

The system also automatically scans the network and carries out the analysis once the license key gets activated and help security teams in directing their limited staff.

Additionally, the QRadar system also gathers flow data from the network and alerts the system whenever a new device is detected online.