Huawei, a provider of telecommunications network offerings for operators around the world, has introduced E398 modem, the first triple-mode LTE modem that supports LTE, 3G, and 2G network access.

The company said that the E398 modem has been provided to Net4Mobility operator in Sweden, Mobilkom Austria in Austria, and expects to introduce the modem in Norway, Denmark, and Germany next year.

The new E398 modem has a download speed of 100 Mbps and employs data transmission rate up to 20 times faster than that of existing 3G networks.

The company said the E398 modem is designed to benefit from an LTE-Advanced architecture that enables seamlessly switching between the use of 2G, 3G, and LTE networks, giving users the flexibility of choose the optimal network connection speed.

In addition, the modem will also allow users to access LTE networks where they exist while maintaining a steady connection at all other times, switching to other standards (UMTS or GSM) when LTE is not available.