Harris has launched a new Nexio Browse suite, a portfolio of tools that facilitate H.264 proxy viewing and editing, enabling broadcasters to implement a scalable low-resolution workflow.

The Nexio Browse suite is part of the Harris NewsForce HD/SD news platform. It is said to include all the tools necessary to generate, view and edit low-resolution proxy files across a storage area network (SAN).

The Nexio PRX Transcoder server automatically converts high-resolution content from the Nexio SAN into low-res files; Nexio AMP PRX Encoder integrated media application for the Nexio AMP media platform creates low-res proxy clips simultaneously with baseband ingest; Nexio Browse Server storage array provides frame-accurate proxy file storage.

Nexio Proxy Media Host server enables modular expansion of the number of viewers and editors connecting to the Nexio low-res SAN; Velocity PRX proxy editor integrates with MOS-compliant newsroom computer systems, allowing for rundowns and scripts to be viewed directly from the proxy editing interface; Nexio InstantOnline III conforming engine enables low-res clips to be conformed to high resolution at the push of a button for immediate play to air.

Tim Thorsteinson, president of Harris Broadcast Communications, said: Our Nexio Browse solution allows scores of users to view and edit content simultaneously, with significantly reduced storage and bandwidth requirements when compared to a high-resolution SAN. This capability not only helps broadcasters get to air faster, it saves them money.