Harris Corp. has unveiled its Punctuate, an advanced software system for digital signage that manages the scheduling and placement of advertising and promotional content.

The company said that the new business management system will provide total inventory control across single networks, multiple networks and for each individual sign. It is also claimed to allow broadcasters to create and operate profitable, scalable digital signage networks and provides new opportunities to generate revenue as advertisers shift investments to new mediums.

According to the company, Punctuate is a suite of web-based tools that enable automatic targeting of precise messages to signs across a multipoint out-of-home network. Broadcasters using Punctuate with Harris InfoCaster in a Harris Digital Signage system can repurpose its content and place advertising based on the location of the sign, time of day, audience demographic and other user-defined attributes.

The company also said that Punctuate enables new revenue streams in digital signage networks and, when combined with InfoCaster systems for content creation and playback, gives broadcasters a set of integrated, scalable tools to build stronger brands.

The automated Punctuate tool set is capable of scheduling increased amounts of content as digital signage networks expand, without the need for broadcasters to add more staff to support the operation. Punctuate can tag signs with attributes and point a message directly to a group of displays based on similar attributes across the network, added Harris.

Punctuate supports digital signage by bringing together two functions: automatic content placement and accurate business management.

Harris Morris, vice president and general manager of media and workflow at Harris Broadcast Communications, said: Broadcasters can identify opportunities on a national basis or in local markets by partnering with existing digital signage networks for combined advertising buys, or install and operate their own digital signage networks. The relationships that broadcasters have with local businesses and advertisers are ideal to aggregate signs, sell, schedule and distribute advertising to those signs alongside informational, educational or entertaining content to draw viewer interest.