GTS Central, an infrastructure-based telecommunications operator and provider of data center services in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), has acquired Sitel Data Center (SDC).

SitelData Center is located in Prague and has 2,270 square meters of customer floor space with an additional 700 square meters available for expansion.

SDC services approximately 130 companies, among which include Tesco, Interoute, Mobilkom, Active 24 and Teleplan.

In 2010, SDC’s revenues were €6.3m.

In the summer of 2010, GTS Polish data centers were expanded by 500 square meters and an additional 700 square meters data center was opened in Prague. At the same time, the Hungarian company Interware, a data center service provider with floor space of 1,075 square meters, was purchased.

Also in 2010, GTS Group also acquired the Romanian operator Datek and the Slovakian operator Dial Telecom.

GTS Group CEO Adam Sawicki said in accordance with their previously announced strategy in the data center sector, they are continuing to strengthen their position with the recent acquisition of Sitel Data Center.

"I am convinced that our clients appreciate our efforts to offer them complete regional solution as the largest provider of data center services in the CEE region," Sawicki said.