Google has started testing a new password-free feature, which will allow users to log into their accounts using their smartphones.

A Reddit user posted about the experience, which is being tested with a small group of users.

Once a user authorises their phone, they can enter input their account credentials on any computer.

A message will be sent to the users phone to enable the login. If they click on yes, the computer logs into their Google account without a password.

A Google spokesperson was quoted by several news agencies as saying, "We’ve invited a small group of users to help test a new way to sign-in to their Google accounts, no password required. ‘Pizza’, ‘password’ and ‘123456’ — your days are numbered."

Earlier this year, Google launched a free extension for its web browser Chrome to combat a spate of phishing campaigns.

Responding to the plausible spoof websites used by hackers to steal details, the search engine released Password Alert, which warns you if you are entering Google login details into a non-Google website.