Europe’s four core colocation hubs in Frankfurt, London, Amsterdam and Paris have started the year strongly with a 27% growth in uptake in Q1 2017, says CBRE.

According to the global real estate advisor, the continuous rise from cloud service providers has had a strong impact in the increase of take-up in the first quarter of the year.

London, particularly gathered a take-up of 17.5MW which equates to 60% of the European total, whilst Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Paris delivered a significantly lower up-take. Together, the four hubs delivered 26.6MW of take-up and 38MW of new supply in Q1 2017.

Hyperscale cloud providers are seen to have added to the outcome of the market, especially leading to London’s second largest quarterly total so far.

Andrew Jay, Executive director for Data centre solutions, CBRE said: “We predicted a strong 2016 in the European markets and Q1 has certainly delivered for us. Given the momentum built up in 2016 we weren’t surprised to see a strong start to the year.

Read more: European data centres see record-breaking colo take-up in 2016 

“The key question is whether 2017 will surpass last year’s record breaking 155MW. Our view is that we will have another really strong year of at least 100MW which is astonishing considering that the record take-up prior to 2016 was 78MW.”

In 2016, Amsterdam was noticed as the first market in history to receive a take-up over 50MW in a single year, after its registered take-up of 54MW.

Although higher than London which scored 49MW, together with Frankfurt they recorded more take-up than any individual take-up before 2016.

For 2017, CBRE expects an increase in the activity from both corporate and enterprises as the year goes on, which will provide more balance in colocation for take-up.

Jay said: “Q1 came very close to reaching a milestone of 1000MW of supply across the four markets; ending the quarter on 996MW. We expect a substantial amount of further new supply to come on during the course of the year, including new entrants in Amsterdam, Frankfurt and London.”