EMC has continued its push into the analytics space with the EMC Greenplum Unified Analytics Platform (UAP).

The company says it will combine the EMC Greenplum database for structured analytics, the Hadoop offering EMC Greenplum HD for analysing unstructured data and Chorus, which is Greenplum’s data-centric social network.

The company said the new UAP will help it push into the Big Data analytics space.

Greenplum Chorus is a new element for UAP. EMC says it is a collaboration platform that lets users share data sets, tools and other resources from wherever they are in the company. EMC says this should help individuals and companies become more productive when working with Big Data.

The firm says that Chorus offers a single interface from which a user can access all of a company’s data, whether it is structured or unstructured. It also offers virtual databases for users to explore and social network-style features for sharing and collaboration, EMC said

"There’s no mistaking it, the Big Data era has arrived. Everyone is talking about it, everybody wants to do it but not everyone knows how. We think that analytics are the key to success in the Big Data era. With the introduction of the UAP, EMC is delivering the keys to helping organisations extract the most value out of vast amounts of data and create more agile, data-savvy businesses," said Scott Yara, senior vice president of products, Greenplum.

It is expected to be released during the first quarter of 2012. Storage giant EMC acquired data warehousing vendor Greenplum in July 2010.

Jaspersoft also recently announced its entrance into the Big Data analytics space. SAP too is pushing the Big Data analytics angle with its in-memory HANA platform. You can read all about that here.