Digital Realty and GMEX Technologies (GMEX Tech) have entered into a partnership to establish multiple global hubs for product exchanges and trading venues in the colo provider’s facilities.

Under the collaboration with GMEX Tech, a multi-asset exchange and post-trade technology provider, Digital Realty will be part of helping to transform markets and products’ engagement with established market participants in existing financial locations.

The first hub to be used under the scheme will be Digital Realty’s London Chessington data centre.

The companies said the capital’s trading hub will enable established communities to access and trade emerging markets securities easily, cost-effectively, and securely from a central location.

Market operators will have the opportunity to trade outside their geographical area and enable market participants to access a range of asset classes including securities, commodities, derivatives, and FX.

Under the scheme, GMEX Tech will host servers running the various emerging market exchanges it partners with globally in the London data centre.

The company added that it will also provide central counterparty (CCP) and central securities depository (CSD) market infrastructure and offer such as a managed service.

By partnering with Digital Realty, GMEX Tech will also be able to create cloud-enabled points of presence (PoPs) for all current and future market participants globally.

Hirander Misra, CEO of GMEX Technologies, said: "We can offer our cloud-enabled trading and clearing market infrastructure ecosystem paired with the best talent, connectivity, technology, operational excellence, and business expertise facilitated by the technical infrastructure provided by Digital Realty."

Robert Bath, VP of global solutions at Digital Realty, said: "We are able to provide a gateway for GMEX Tech to facilitate growth in emerging economies by forging stronger links to established financial ecosystems in Europe, and subsequently in the United States and Asia Pacific."