Telecommunication services provider Colombia’s UNE has selected Convergys to support its 4G services in real-time.

Convergys will provide managed services for its real-time, convergent platform at UNE.

Convergys’ convergent platform can handle the complexity of real-time convergent services.

The platform can accommodate any new service like 4G-LTE, support convergent service requirements in real-time and help UNE speed its offers to market.

The Convergys application also provides proven revenue assurance and integrates well with UNE’s objective architecture model, which includes CRM, provisioning and enterprise resource planning software.

Convergys Smart Revenue Solutions president Bob Lento said UNE has a strategy for driving future growth by offering its customers new 4G services, which Convergys real-time capabilities can support.

"The 4G market offers real opportunities for operators to monetize services if they have the right BSS support," said Lento.