Information technology services provider Cognizant has entered into a five-year agreement with India-based multi-format retail firm Future Group to provide end-to-end IT infrastructure services.

Cognizant will implement an enterprise management platform (EMP) to improve operational agility and drive business transformation.
The EMP implementation will help Future Group proactively monitor, manage and report business service performance.

Under the managed services agreement, Cognizant will support more than 1,000 Future Group stores, including Big Bazaar, Central, Food Bazaar, Home Town, eZone and Pantaloons, across 85 towns and cities in India.

In addition, the company will support all new stores the group opens in the future with data centre management, service desk support, network services support and mission-critical, last-mile IT infrastructure services support.

Cognizant Technology and Operations group chief executive R Chandrasekaran said they were committed to helping Future Group unlock operational agility and scalability by aligning technology investments with business priorities, realise a strong process-driven delivery organisation and drive growth, profitability and scalability.