Clearwire, a provider of wireless broadband services and operator of 4G network, has introduced CLEAR iSpot, that supports Apple’s line of mobile devices, including iPad, iPod touch and iPhone. The iSpot brings unlimited mobile broadband experience to Apple mobile products.

Thomas Moony, senior vice president of marketing at Clearwire, said: "With the iSpot, Apple customers don’t have to sort through confusing service plans with overage fees, nor do they have to worry about how much data they’re using. Instead, with CLEAR, customers can run all of their Apple mobile devices at true broadband speeds for a single, simple monthly fee."

The company said that the iSpot users can share 4G speed with up to eight Wi-Fi-enabled Apple mobile devices simultaneously. Using mobile Internet service, Apple’s iPad, iPod touch or iPhone can access an unlimited rich mobile broadband experience with average mobile download speeds of 3 to 6mbps with bursts over 10mbps.

With CLEAR Spot 4G and CLEAR Spot 4G+ personal mobile hotspots, CLEAR provides thousands of Wi-Fi enabled devices, from laptops to netbooks to personal gaming devices the ability to access super fast mobile internet service anywhere in CLEAR coverage.