Citrix has released its NetScaler and CloudBridge on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace through bring your own license and pay-as-you-use model.

Both the applications, NetScaler and CloudBridge are company’s cloud networking appliations which can be deployed directly on AWS.

Together the applications will enable enterprises to extend their enterprise network to AWS, deploy the same L4-7 network stack on AWS that they use on-premise, making AWS a natural extension of their own IT infrastructure or optimising production deployments that are solely on the cloud.

With NetScaler for Amazon Web Services, customers can deploy the same advanced L4-7 services used to ensure the availability, scalability and security of the public and private clouds onto Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) within Amazon EC2, the company said.

Citrix CloudBridge for Amazon Web Services claimed to help enterprises to transparently bridge their enterprise network to AWS by simplifying application migration, adding additional security layers, mitigating network latency and minimising required application or network modifications.

It will also allow companies to move production workloads securely and transparently between private data centres and the AWS Cloud and consume CloudBridge on a usage-based model through the AWS Marketplace.

The availability of NetScaler and CloudBridge on AWS enables customers running production on-premise, but using AWS for dev/test to include NetScaler within their AWS test environments, speeding time-to-production due to enhanced production environment within their test environments.

They enable customers with hybrid infrastructure spanning their own data centres and AWS to use the same cloud networking platform in both, simplifying the transition of applications and workloads back and forth between their own datacenteres and AWS.

Customers looking to use AWS as part of their business continuity plans can now rely upon NetScaler GSLB to run both on-premise or within AWS to monitor availability of both enterprise datacenters and AWS environments.

The CloudBridge optimises data transfer and synchronisation between various on-premise datacentres and AWS environments.