China Telecom Americas, a North American subsidiary of China Telecom, has partnered with CENX, operator of carrier ethernet exchange, to provide services both to and from its base of end-users, thus opening up new revenue opportunities for China Telecom Americas and its US partners.

The company said that through carrier ethernet it can provide flexible bandwidth and cost effective delivery of an array of services to its customers.

The CENX connection enables US based service providers to reach businesses based in the US, China and the 73 other countries served by China Telecom.

In addition, the interconnection with other carriers via CENX will provide seamless delivery of it’s services and enables the creation of new business relationships.

China Telecom Americas president Donald Tan said connecting with CENX enables China Telecom Americas to extend our reach through a diversified platform. As an additional way to interconnect with our partners, we are able to respond to our customers’ needs in a more scalable and efficient manner.

The company said that the initial connections will be in New York and Los Angeles exchanges.