The average broadband connection speed in the UK has reached 7.9Mbps, marking an annual rise of 41%, according to a new report.

The latest State of the Internet report from Akamai reveals that about 20% of the UK has access to internet speeds of over 10Mbps, reporting 208% rise year-on-year, and 73% would have access to more than 4Mbps.

Akamai’s Q1 report also revealed that China was the primary source of attack traffic, while its share dropped 34%, with Indonesia’s attack traffic reaching 20%.

Akamai Technologies Custom Analytics & MCDN product line director, David Belson, said that the latest State of the Internet Report shows continued positive growth in terms of Internet and broadband adoption worldwide.

"We have seen overall increases in average and peak connection speeds along with greater broadband penetration on both a quarterly and annual basis," Belson said.

"However, the levels of malicious activity we’ve observed show no signs of abating, as evidenced by the ongoing rise in DDoS attacks.

"This reinforces the continued need for vigilance by organisations that are conducting business and maintaining a presence on the Internet."

According to the report, the top 10 countries generated over 80% of the practical attack traffic, while Italy and Hungary were out of the top 10 ranking, with Romania being the only European country listed in ninth place.

However, the UK reported 0.6% rise in the attack traffic volume being generated from within its boundaries during Q3.