Communications company AT&T has started selling its new portable cellular antennas called Remote Mobility Zone, which provides mobile voice and data services in the absence of wireless coverage.

AT&T said it is the first carrier to supply a customer-deployable model for mobility recovery to help with disaster recovery and business continuity efforts.

It added that businesses, government and public safety agencies can be better prepared for disasters with the new device which can be packed in a suitcase with a satellite dish carried separately.

The company said the unit requires external power to work and can be used to set up a cell site in less than 30 minutes.

AT&T Business Solutions Advanced Mobility Solutions vice-president Chris Hill said, "In the pivotal first minutes of a natural or man-made disaster, AT&T Remote Mobility Zone provides a solution to help maintain critical mobile communications."

Hill added, "With AT&T Remote Mobility Zone, users can set up a cell site in less than 30 minutes."

The Remote Mobility Zone can handle 14 simultaneous calls, and data at less-than-broadband speeds. Coverage extends up to half a mile from the unit.

AT&T offers several options of Remote Mobility Zone offerings such as: Fixed site deployment; The "Fly-away" offering; and "Park and Use."

The Remote Mobility Zone’s satellite dish makes it independent of broadband service. The Remote Mobility Zone can be used with any AT&T phone.

AT&T said, the cost of the units will range from $15,000 to $45,000, and a monthly fee.