Amdahl Corp is adding a range of data security products to its line, via an agreement with the Racal-Guardata Inc arm of Racal Electronics Plc. The new facilities include data encryption, key management, user authentication, and message authentication functions for data centre applications of large commercial enterprises, including banks and other financial institutions. The products include a host security module, a security resource manager, a gateway security system, and a cryptographic authentication terminal. In addition, Amdahl announced the 1032 Director for connecting host processors equipped with Escon channels to multiple peripherals. This provides a switched point-to-point configuration, via fibre cable, and company says it can reduce the number of channels and the bulk of under-floor cabling. The 1032 Director comes standard with 28 ports and console-sharing capability. Sixteen of the ports are equipped as LED ports. The remaining 12 ports may be either LED or Laser ports for extended distance capability. One console can control up to eight directors configured together in a cluster.