AirHop Communications has launched eSON (evolved Self-Organized Networking), which it claims to solve the installation, operation and performance challenges of dense, small cell deployments for 4G/LTE networks.

The company said that the self-organised networking (SON) technology will help users in automation, planning, installation and the initial configuration of basestations. Its eSON technology extends SON beyond the initial set-up phase to include comprehensive, distributed, real-time inter-cell coordination capabilities that allow neighboring basestations to communicate with each other to manage inter-cell interference, optimise frequency reuse, data throughput, and QoS during the operation phase.

According to AirHop, the eSON technology provides direct inter-node communication and coordination that establishes neighboring basestation topology and inter-basestation communications via a unified application-level software platform. It also provides active real-time interference management based on coordination among the neighboring cells; and enhanced radio resource management (eRRM) based on distributed algorithms and coordination among the cells.

AirHop’s eSON software is platform-independent and runs on standard 4G protocol stacks. It can be integrated with LTE eNodeB or WiMAX basestations for macrocells, microcells, picocells and femtocells from multiple vendors.

Yan Hui, founder and CEO of AirHop Communications, said: “We believe that eSON solves these critical problems and will play a vital role in the successful deployment of 4G networks by enabling infrastructure vendors and carriers to deliver differentiated networks and services cost-effectively and with confidence.”