IBM has drawn up plans for an operations automation structure that could be revealed later this year, according to Computerworld. The goal is said to be a consistent approach to procedures and management, and the eventual integration with IBM’s application development and storage architectures, as well as other vendor’s products. It seems to be very similar to AD/Cycle and Systems Application Architecture, and users expect it to be introduced in stages over the next few years. IBM has refused to comment, but data centre consultant Farber/LaChance Inc says the company has indicated that a statement of direction is being prepared, and other sources say that plans have been leaked at several IBM road shows. There is a suspicion among users that NetView will play a central role in the plan, as this has yet to be accepted as an efficient tool for operations management. Also, if non-IBM products are to be included in the new framework, then a number of complicated agreements will have to be negotiated. Data centre management covers tasks such as tape management, console operation, and the overseeing of applications and subsystems. IBM has previously shown interest in an operations automations structure and at one time, spoke of an internal project called the System Managed Process Structure. IBM is to address the Association for Computer Management conference in September, and according to Computerworld, has hinted that a blueprint will be revealed at that time and not before.