Adobe Systems has introduced version 11.5 of its Director software offering game developers, multimedia authors, and e-learning professionals a host of new features for creating gaming and multimedia applications.

With support for a new audio engine, high-definition video and advanced 3-D features, Adobe Director 11.5 provides a flexible platform to create applications for both online and desktop worlds, said Adobe.

According to the company, the new features in Director 11.5 include a new audio engine that allows developers to deliver 5.1 channel surround sound and create audio effects using real-time mixing capabilities.

In addition to the new features, Director 11.5 also supports Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and continues to support both JavaScript and Lingo, the native scripting language of Director, while providing additional functionality through enhanced scripting performance, an easy-to-use user interface, and a wide variety of third-party add-ons that create an extensible multimedia authoring environment, added Adobe.

Naresh Gupta, senior vice president for print and publishing at Adobe, said: Director 11.5 is a significant milestone in our mission to deliver an advanced set of audio and video features for game developers and multimedia application authors. With the brand new audio engine in Director 11.5 along with high quality video, developers can now create 3-D online gaming experiences that are simply unparalleled in this space.