Concept Omega Corp, Somerset, New Jersey, has established a European division of its operations in Romford, Essex, and at the same time launched an upgraded version of its Thoroughbred Idol IV applications generator, and two new microcomputers. Idol-IV is claimed to run on over 100 different hardware and operating system environments, from Unix to MS-DOS, OS/2, VMS and Thoroughbred/OS, offering a better integrated data dictionary, with the same functionality as other fourth generation languages, including an English-like development language, report generator and database management system. Typical eight user versions for Xenix and MS-DOS cost UKP1,300 and UKP675 respectively. The new TS 386/20D and TS-386/20T micros, which are aimed at the high-end multi-user environment are 20MHz 80386-based AT-alikes. They can support Unix V.3, SCO Xenix, MS-DOS or Thoroughbred/OS, and are priced from UKP4,295 to around UKP20,000 depending upon the operating system and number of users. Concept Omega president John Johnson, who describes the firm as basically a language company, says that Unix now accounts for 45% of total sales, and that it will develop products for all Unix dialects that may emerge in the future. Its Thoroughbred operating system, originally developed as a spin-off, allowing users to run applications across a variety of operating systems and supporting multiple users on Intel-based machines, has proved to be one of its most popular products and is to be developed and sold as long as people want it.