Bristol-based Apricot value added reseller ComputerWorld Centres Ltd believes that the Micro Channel Architecture/Extended Industry Standard Architecture race has already been won, with the IBM-led MCA team well past the finishing post. Indeed, despite Apricot’s presence on the Extended Industry Standard Architecture’s steering committee, a similar message was being promoted at a demonstration (courtesy of ComputerWorld) of its new 80486 line which was launched in June (CI No 1,188). The new VX 400 (LAN Manager) and VX 800 FT (Unix) file servers do, of course, use Micro Channel Architecture, and while Apricot would not rule out the possibility of making a similar Extended Industry Standard Architecture server, it was somewhat sceptical as to the necessity of taking such action. Approximately 80% of ComputerWorld’s hardware business comes from Apricot, and it is forecasting a turnover of UKP5m in the present financial year. It intends to grow via a process of mergers and acquisitions in the Apricot market and is particularly interested in businesses in the North West and South East of England. The new VX FT range of servers are being launched in direct competition with machines such as Altos Computer’s 2000/20-8, ICL’s DRS 500, IBM’s AS/400 B3, DEC’s MicroVAX 3800 and Compaq’s 386/33/320, and claims to offer comparatively more powerful machines at all these levels for around a third of the price. Apricot’s 80386 version of its VX FT server will ship in August, with the 80486 following in October. ComputerWorld sees its first VX FT server sales in the fourth quarter.