Leeds-based Coda Ltd is developing an open systems version of its Integrated Accounting System. The company’s chairman Rod Potts says that the open systems market will play a key factor in shaping the high end accountancy software market despite what the major manufacturers IBM and DEC say as they continue to peddle their proprietary operating systems in this market. Potts believes that Coda has timed this development correctly because Hewlett-Packard (on whose hardware Potts first offered accountancy software) is picking up lots of new commercial customers with its HP9000 line who want accountancy applications. The new version of Integrated Accounting is being based on the Sybase relational database. Sybase is in fact a Coda customer and has encouraged the company to embark on this development and is offering training and consultancy support, although development costs and work are down to Coda. Potts says the product will not be exclusively tied to Sybase but added that the two companies will probably co-operate closely in marketing it. The first release will be for the HP9000 and the product will then be implemented on IBM’s RS/6000, DEC’s VAX 5000 and the HP3000. No release dates have yet been given.