Yahoo has joined the battle of Internet search by introducing an enhanced browser called, Yahoo! Axis.

The new offering is available only for Apple’s iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, and can be installed as a desktop plug-in for HTML5-enabled browsers.

The device running on Axis enables users’ to search and browse on the web, displaying search results in a visual format, without leaving the page, the company noted.

Yahoo! Connections senior vice president Shashi Seth said our search strategy is predicated on two core beliefs — one that people want answers, not links and two, that consumer-facing search is ripe for innovative disruption.

"With Axis, we have re-defined and re-architected the search and browse experience from the ground up," Seth added.

The company stated Axis gives people instant answers and visual previews of web pages, by eliminating the need to go to a search results page if users’ need access to their search results.

With Axis, links to recent sites users have viewed, bookmarked, and articles marked to read later will be available, suited for people who constantly switch devices throughout the day, Yahoo! added.

The new version offers a personalized Home Page that provides direct access to users favorite sites, saved articles and bookmarks across all devices where Axis has been downloaded, when signing in with Yahoo!, Google or Facebook credentials.

On the desktop, Axis is a browser plug-in that works with Firefox 7+, Safari v5+, Internet Explorer 9 and all versions of Chrome.

Axis is built upon the Yahoo! Cocktails mobile development platform, which is a mix of open, standard web technologies including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and Node.JS including Mojito, an open source JavaScript MVC framework and Manhattan, a cloud-based hosted environment.

The company noted this platform allows server-side and client-side code written in the same programming language, with the same code used for both the client and server side.