Affiliated Computer Services (ACS), a Xerox company has announced a definitive agreement to acquire CredenceHealth.

The acquisition is aimed to create a simpler way for healthcare providers to use patient information to predict and prevent complications.

CredenceHealth provides software that captures and analyzes patient data to assist hospitals, health plans, and providers improve quality of care and compliance with meaningful use regulations.

By integrating CredenceHealth’s clinical surveillance tools with ACS’ core suite of managed care solutions under the Midas software brand, ACS will now offer a cloud-based solution that actively monitors patient data. The data is accessible to hospital staff from any Internet browser using a secure password-protected system.

The new solution, named Midas+ Live, works with a hospital’s Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system, and alerts caregivers when any of thousands of possible changes in a patient’s condition happen simultaneously. The information can then be used to inform the caregiver prior to a decline in the patient’s condition.

ACS Midas+ solutions managing director Tom Simas said, "Through our advanced technology that analyzes the insights found inside the massive amounts of information regarding a patient’s condition, we’re giving healthcare providers real-time relevant knowledge so they can better focus on giving patients the care they need."

Providers using Midas+ Live will be eligible for funding from the HITECH and American Recovery and Reinvestment Act as the CredenceHealth software-as-a-service offering is certified by the Office of the National Coordinator.