We’ve had a dig about in the archives and come up with 23 multiple choice questions
The answers are at the bottom of the page. Good Luck!
January 2015
Q1: What did Prime Minister David Cameron want to ban?
a) Nigel Farage’s twitter account?
b) Communications Data Encryption
c) Mobile phones during cabinet meetings?
Q2: In January we wrote a list of 10 standout things at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES)
Was it
a) Ten standout Smartphones
b) Ten standout Internet of Things applications for the home
c) Ten standout pairs of Smart Trousers
February 2015
Q1: Which UK software outfit signed a surprise deal with Salesforce?
a) Autonomy
b) Sage
c) Sophos
Q2: In this month we reported on one CEO who pocketed a $3.6m bonus, was it
a) IBM’s Ginni Rometty
b) HP’s Meg Whitman
c) Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg
March 2015
Q1: It was reported that digital ready UK workforces were being let down by
a) Lack of mobile broadband coverage
b) Nervous CIOs
c) Ancient workplace technology
Q2: A call centre in Hove near Brighton and data centre in Maidenhead were raided by the Information Commissioner’s Office – how many nuisance phone calls was it making each day?
a) 6m
b) 60m
c) 16m
April 2015
Q1: The Human Sat Nav which promises to direct people using electrodes attached to leg muscles was developed by scientists from which country?
a) US
b) Germany
c) China
Q2: A UK retail bank said it would embrace the Apple Watch with an App to allow users to see their balance without logging into its mobile banking app.
But was it
a) Tesco
b) Sainsburys
c) Lloyds
May 2015
Q1: A Government organisation was accused of developing a ‘google for voice’ which converted speech in phone calls to text in order to track conversations. Was it
a) The US National Security Agency
b) The UK’s GCHQ
c) The Irish Secret Service
Q2: Which popular social media content sharing site issued a privacy policy which many saw as a reaction to the celebrity nude photo scandal?
a) Whatsapp
b) Reddit
c) Twitter
June 2015
Q1: In June we had a UK exclusive interview with a CEO who told us why he was stepping down, was it
a) Google’s Larry Page
b) Cisco’s John Chambers
c) Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer
Q2: Ericsson launched an Internet of Things Platform, was it
a) The Internet of Bus Stops
b) The Internet of Chickens
c) The Internet of Trains
July 2015
Q1: The UK’s tax collector HMRC said it wanted more powers to track the UK’s hidden online economy, but how much did it estimate it was missing out on taxing?
a) £9.5bn
b) £5.9bn
c) £59bn
Q2: Which dating site took the moral high ground by describing a hack attack and data stealing from its site as an ‘act of cyber terrorism’
a) Tinder
b) Match.com
c) Ashley Madison
August 2015
Q1: Who announced a new microchip which would behave like the human brain?
a) Intel
b) IBM
c) ARM
Q2: It was reported that a much vaunted technology was not getting the take up that was expected because companies didn’t want to look silly
Was it
a) Virtual Reality
b) 3D Printing
c) Cloud Polishing
September 2015
Q1: Football signing with tech companies and getting all digital was all the rage in September. Who did Wipro sign for?
a) Tottenham Hotspur
b) Chelsea
c) Leicester City
Q2: Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, two of the world’s biggest tech names, pledged to achieve something by 2020 was it
a) Universal Internet Access
b) Totally Green Computing
c) Free laptops for schools
October 2015
Q1: Which privately owned computer maker shocked the industry by announcing a $67bn mega merger with a publicly listed manufacturer
a) Oracle
b) Dell
c) Ebay
Q2: Which rival boss said it great news for their company
a) Oracle’s Larry Ellison
b) Microsoft’s Satya Nadella
c) HP’s Meg Whitman
November 2015
Q1: A hotel chain was hit in a malware attack which exposed customer data
Was it
a) Premier inn
b) Hilton Hotels
c) Travelodge
Q2: Which cloud provider promised to build UK data centres to improve its services for UK customers
a) Microsoft
b) AWS
c) Google
Q1: Kyocera claimed a world technology first
a) A washable mobile phone
b) A 4D printer
c) A mobile phone with a 3D camera
Now Check Your Answers:
Q1: What did Prime Minister David Cameron want to ban?
Answer: b) Data Encryption
And why it wouldn’t work
Q2: In January we wrote about 10 standout things at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES)
The answer was of course a) Ten Standout Smartphones
Q1: Which UK software outfit signed a surprise deal with Salesforce?
The answer is b) Sage, which launched Sage Live and committed to a mobile first cloud model.
Q2: In this month we reported on one CEO who pocketed a $3.6m bonus,
The answer is a) Ginni Rometty, CEO IBM. Mark Zuckerberg wouldn’t get out of bed for $3.6m but to be fair he is giving away his vast fortune.
Q1: It was reported that digital ready UK workforces were being let down by but what by?
The answer is c) Ancient workplace technology Consumer technology has totally outpaced that within the enterprise
Q2: A call centre in Hove near Brighton and data centre in Maidenhead were raided by the Information Commissioner’s Office – how many nuisance phone calls was it making each day?
Answer: a) It was making 6m automated calls every day
Q1: The Human Sat Nav which promises to direct people using electrodes attached to leg muscles was developed by scientists from which country?
Answer: It was our German friends who are working on human sat nav
Q2: A UK retail bank said it would embrace the Apple Watch with an App to allow users to see their balance without logging into its mobile banking app.
Answer: a) Tesco – Every little helps and it needs all the help it can get
Q1: A Government organisation was accused of developing a ‘google for voice’ which converted speech in phone calls to text in order to track conversations. Was it
The answer was a) The US National Security Agency (It was another revelation from whistle blower Edward Snowden)
Q2: Which popular social media content sharing site issued a privacy policy which many saw as a reaction to the celebrity nude photo scandal?
Answer: b) Reddit, one of its sub domains was used to share the photos
Q1: In June we had a UK exclusive interview with a CEO who told us why he was stepping down. Who was it?
Answer: b) Cisco’s John Chambers
Q2: Ericsson launched an Internet of Things Platform, what was it
Answer: a) The Internet of Bus Stops
Q1: The UK’s tax collector HMRC said it wanted more powers to track the UK’s hidden online economy, but how much did it estimate it was missing out on taxing?
The answer is b) £5.9bn
Q2: Which dating site took the moral high ground by describing a hack attack and data stealing from its site as an ‘act of cyber terrorism’
Answer c) Ashley Madison, of course
Q1: Who announced a human brain inspired microchip?
Answer b) IBM
Q2: It was reported that a much vaunted technology was not getting the take up that was expected because companies didn’t want to look silly
Answer b) 3D printing –
(Cloud Polishing, we made up)
The answer is b) Chelsea – Chelsea (and other other) football fans can go here to see a picture of ex manager Jose Murinho in happier times.
Q2: Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, two of the world’s biggest tech names, pledged to achieve something by 2020 was it
Answer a) Gates and Zuckerberg will work to ensure everyone in the world has internet access by 2020 as part of the UN’s efforts to end global poverty by 2030.
Which private company bought a public company in a $67bn merger
Answer b) Dell buying EMC
Q2: Which rival boss said it great news for their company
Answer c) HP’s Meg Whitman
Q1: A hotel chain was hit in a malware attack which exposed customer data
Answer b) Hilton Hotels
Q2: Which cloud provider promised to build UK data centres to improve its services for UK customers
Answer b) AWS, swiftly followed by a) Microsoft,
Q1: Kyocero claimed a world technology first
Answer: a) a washable mobile phone
Merry Christma and a Peaceful and Prosperous 2016!