Electric car maker Tesla has teamed up with Airbnb to introduce electric chargers to few of the hosts’ homes.

The initiative is designed to provide long-distance travel feasible and stress-free for Model S owners, and a chance for hosting homes to win a free charger.

To make use of the partnership, Airbnb hosts will have to list their home which had more than five bookings, and has received average overall star rating of 4+ to win a free Tesla charger worth $750.

However, the host will have to pay for the installation which can cost anywhere between $200 and $900.

The final decision regarding the selected property will be made by the car maker.

Only homeowners belonging to California will be able to make use of the programme, but the company is planning to expand that number through a targeted campaign.

According to InsideEVs.com around 119,710 plug-in vehicles were sold in the US last year which was 23% more when compared to 2013.

However, despite efforts by electric car makers to push the vehicles, the share of plug-in electric vehicles were less than 1% of total vehicle sales in the US.

The partnership is likely to boost Tesla’s effort to convince consumers that having an electric car is not a hassle, reported Fortune.