Colocation, web hosting and managed services provider, Savvis Inc is to let customers have controlled access to a variety of cloud compute and storage resources so that they can turn them on and off as they are needed.

The company today announced that its new Savvis Cloud Compute is a way that IT shops can start to manage cloud-based server instances easily through a web portal interface. 

Savvis said its service was good for test and development servers to high-demand web environments.

It said it marks the first in a series of announcements in the area, and intends to be delivering other secure, on-demand cloud services to support business applications and infrastructure in the coming quarters. 

The systems are underpinned by VMware virtualisation technology that can be partitioned into multiple self-contained virtual machines, each capable of running its own operating system and set of applications.

Access to the cloud assets will be through a customer portal, from where administrators can provision virtual compute and storage capabilities on top of both private and shared platforms.

Each compute environment can be purchased by the instance, or using flexible month-to-month terms for each instance, it is proposed.

An early proponent of colocation and hosted services, and one of the first high-performance ISPs, the vendor said that Savvis Cloud Compute inaugurates its moving its utility compute and storage solutions into the cloud. 

It is a move that was made because there are great business benefits in being able to shift resources where they are needed, when they are needed, and to be able to  turn them off when they are no longer needed. 

Savvis Cloud Compute is backed by a managed suite of security procedures that includes managed firewall, network intrusion detection, email and web protection services and DDoS mitigation.