SAP is full of self-confidence when it comes to its new CRM tools, Hybris.

The company has re-developed the Hybris e-commerce platform that it bought in 2013 to include two modules, the SAP Hybris Profile and SAP Hybris Customer Experience.

The Profile element is designed to build a picture of an organisation’s interactions with customers. It does this by using data from both relational and non-relational sources. It is designed as an omni-channel service.

The Customer Experience module is a content management system.

Bill McDermott, CEO, SAP SE, said: "Companies can no longer rely on the costly, siloed systems of yesterday to engage with their customers, who are savvy, multi-device digital natives. They want their needs understood and met — right now and every time."

"Legacy cloud-based CRM technologies create business complexity because their foundations predate the rise of social media and mobility. Companies today need innovative, integrated solutions that simplify the front office, making them easy to do business with and fostering greater customer engagement."

The comments and release from SAP identify just who the company is taking aim at, mainly Salesforce.

SAP is the latest company to push for real-time customer data and customer experiences. Salesforce recently made significant changes to its CRM system with Lightning.

The rest of Hybris is SAP Hybris as a Service, this component is in beta with around 3,000 subscribers currently. This part is the middleware and business process layer that has been built on Cloud Foundry.

The purpose of this part is to let customers and partners to build and deliver features such as micro services. The idea is to end big updates and instead implement smaller ones.