RES Software has introduced Baseline Desktop Analyzer (BDA), an online, Windows Azure-based service, to provide organisations with critical capabilities to aid in the planning and deployment of client virtualisation technology regardless of user environment management and personalisation platforms.

The technology used in BDA has been extracted from the RES flagship product and developed into a standalone cloud-based, freely available BDA service.

The Desktop Sampler can be installed across desktops to collect critical information about user settings, data and applications with zero impact on the user.

Data from Desktop Sampler can later be integrated into Workspace Manager to start designing user workspaces.

Organisations looking to move forward with desktop transformation projects can stream the data captured by the analysis into Workspace Manager.

Workspace Manager will then construct the ideal user workspace for the organisation.

Once in place, RES Workspace Manager helps organisations separate users’ applications, settings and data from the underlying hardware, OS and delivery platforms.

Microsoft Product Solution Manager Azure Erik Jan van Vuuren said RES Software offers a prime example of how Microsoft Windows Azure can deliver secure, cloud-based solutions for customers with BDA.

"While RES has already demonstrated support for Azure through compatibilities in RES Dynamic Desktop Studio, the cloud-based BDA validates the company’s commitment to remain at the forefront of technology," Vuuren said.