Cloud server backup firm R1Soft has launched a new secure online backup software for Internet service providers (ISPs).

CloudCopy will enable ISPs to offer cloud backup services to homes and small businesses and offer online backup services competitive with existing services from companies like Carbonite and Mozy by Decho, a subsidiary of EMC.

The CloudCopy workstation client performs automated backups of desktop computers running Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, or Linux operating systems

The server client software for Microsoft Windows Servers provides small office servers with automated cloud backup including support for Microsoft SQL Server and Exchange.

ISPs use their existing data centres, infrastructure and install the CloudCopy repository and management software on commodity Windows servers in their data centres.

The CloudCopy management server software integrates with popular ISP billing software including: Parallels Business Automation Standard, Citrix EMS Cortex, Extend ASP, Ensim Unify, WHCMS, and Kaseya.