Eran Yaniv

Can you give our readers a bit of background about Perfecto Mobile?

Perfecto Mobile provides a platform for testing and monitoring mobile applications on handsets over the Internet. So if you’re a developer and you’ve developed an application and now you need to test it on a variety of handsets, you can log onto our website, get a handset on the screen, take your application, download it to that handset and you can test the application on the handset as if you were holding it in your hand.

How does that benefit your customers?

Think about enterprise customers, such as the bank that has an application for its customers for online banking. When that bank releases that application to the public, it needs to make sure that the application works properly, that it gives the proper reaction, fast enough and easy enough. The bank, before releasing the application to the public, does the testing utilising our tools.

How does Perfecto Mobile benefit from a strategic partnership with InfoStretch?

InfoStretch is a company that is both a technology and a service company. We have engaged with InfoStretch, initially because of the service capabilities. The service capabilities that they provide compliments what we provide. So, for example, if you go to a bank, shop or any company, you can combine the technology that Perfecto Mobile provides and the service capabilities that InfoStretch provides, and it provides a one stop shop to both companies.

They wont need to worry about how and when to test, or on which devices to test their application. InfoStretch will make those decisions for them and utilise the Perfecto tools in order to make the process optimal. Because Infostretch is also a technology company, there are various aspects of their technology that can be integrated within the Perfecto tools to increase the benefit and value. It comes not only from the service perspective, but also the technology perspective.

Why did Perfecto Mobile choose InfoStretch over other competitors?

In my mind, it’s all about the people. The chemistry that we have between the two companies, both on the executive and working level, the confidence is very high and that makes things extremely easy.

Why are partnerships helping to meet customer demand in Application Lifecycle Management?

In Application Lifecycle Management there are various aspects that relate to tools and there are various aspects that relate to properly and expertise. In general, I would say that partnerships, like the one we have with InfoStretch actually combines all those things. When a partnership like that is kind of even in many ways, it can be very successful. Because everyone knows their place, but on the other hand they bring to the table those things that they believe are beneficial. In our case, and in the case of Application Lifecycle Management, Perfecto brings tools and InfoStretch brings some tools but mainly know-how.

What are Perfecto Mobile’s next plans for the new year?

Perfecto Mobile is introducing additional services all the time, as part of us being a portfolio company, introducing services on top of our mobile cloud platform. We recently introduced monitoring capabilities and in the last two weeks we’ve introduced load testing capabilities. I believe that we will go into additional types of tools, we will probably introduce security related capabilities and we will probably introduce user monitoring capabilities and things that actually grow our platform into more and more use cases within the Application Lifecycle.

I think InfoStretch is launching its European activity. We are already active in Europe but it is just a start for us. I think it’s a great opportunity for both companies to actually leverage on developing the untapped market in our domain. We have a very big potential together.