Pivotal has launched a London based innovation hub with the goal of helping to accelerate digital transformation for enterprises.

Based in the heart of Silicon Roundabout, the company has opened the hub in response to the growing sense of urgency from the UK and Europe’s largest companies to acquire modern software development practices and a next-gen cloud platform, the company said.

The state of the art software innovation hub in Shoreditch suggests a significant commitment to the UK from the company. This will will be eagerly welcomed news in a market that is slightly fearful following the decision to leave the European Union.

The hub is expected to grow to over 200 employees by the end of 2017 and it is hoped that it will be used by UK and European enterprise customers to create compelling digital experiences with modern software methodologies, Pivotal said.

Rob Mee, CEO, Pivotal, said: “The UK continues to be one of the world’s most important financial centers, which is why Pivotal is deeply committed to helping the UK and Europe’s largest enterprises leverage its entrepreneurial spirit and depth of talent to create differentiated products and services for their customers.”

Alan Coad, VP and MD, EMEA, Pivotal; Rob Mee, CEO, Pivotal; Matt Hancock, Minister of State for Digital and Culture, United Kingdom; Robbie Clutton, Office Director, London, Pivotal; Josh Knowles, VP, EMEA Labs, Pivotal (Photo: Business Wire)
Alan Coad, VP and MD, EMEA, Pivotal; Rob Mee, CEO, Pivotal; Matt Hancock, Minister of State for Digital and Culture, United Kingdom; Robbie Clutton, Office Director, London, Pivotal; Josh Knowles, VP, EMEA Labs, Pivotal (Photo: Business Wire)


The company said that it has backed the UK and London in a time of economic volatility and believes that the capital will remain at the heart of and continue to lead Europe’s tech scene.

The move was welcomed by Matt Hancock, Minister for Digital and Culture, saying: “We have worked hard to make the UK a vibrant, exciting and profitable place for tech businesses to locate and grow– and it’s fantastic to hear Pivotal has decided to expand its team here. This latest investment is another significant boost to our thriving tech sector and will be instrumental in helping UK businesses boost their digital capabilities.”

The hub was opened on the 13th of September.