Oracle has announced a Development Milestone Release (DMR) for its open-source database management system, MySQL 5.7.

The update will allow developers and database administrators to build modern web, cloud-based and embedded applications, capable of processing increasing volumes of data.

Oracle MySQL Engineering VP Tomas Ulin said the MySQL 5.7 release closely addresses user requirements for modern web, cloud and embedded applications.

"Oracle continues to work closely with the MySQL user community and encourages feedback and input to help rapidly improve product capabilities and quality," Ulin added.

MySQL 5.7 offers processing of 500,000 queries per second for Sysbench InnoDB Read-Only POINT SELECT and linear scaling of 64 CPU threads, using new multi-threaded inter-transactional replication event handling on slaves threading.

Other features of the update include improved online alter table, internal memory instrumentation and stored programme instrumentation in the performance schema, stored programmes with stacked diagnostic areas and improved dynamic control for triggers.

The update also offers real-time execution analysis and improved JSON explain data.

MySQL 5.7.2 DMR also claims to offer lossless semi-synchronous replication, enabling transactions to only be committed to the storage engine and externalised on the master after the slave has acknowledged receipt, the company said.