Open Kernel Labs (OK Labs), a provider of embedded virtualisation software for mobile phones and broadband internet devices, and Citrix Systems have launched nirvana phone reference architecture, using virtualisation to enable both mobile communications and office desktop-type productivity.

The nirvana phone concept allows users to access their corporate virtual desktop and applications from a single device, in any location. With support for docking to full-sized displays, keyboards, mice and other PC-type peripherals, nirvana phones will provide mobile workers a virtual desktop allowing them to take their desktop anywhere without the need to carry a full laptop, the companies said.

The nirvana phone desing builds on mobile-to-enterprise (M2E) virtualisation and functionality such as mobile virtualisation, cloud computing and wireless connectivity. The reference architecture incorporates capabilities such as full resolution video and HD output.

The companies combined technologies including Citrix desktop virtualisation and the OKL4 mobile virtualisation offerings, enabling securely-managed access to enterprise and desktop applications from wireless devices.

Chris Fleck, VP of community and solution development at Citrix, said: “The nirvana phone takes smartphones to the next level by bringing M2E from paradigm to platform and ultimately to product.

As HD video and other capabilities come on line in mobile chipsets, Citrix and OK Labs are working together to give OEMs a clear path to building handsets that meet the needs of IT organisations and mobile workers alike, delivering virtual desktops and applications to virtualised mobile devices.”