NEC has launched new OpenFlow Network control platform software to research organisations around the world, which can be applied to cloud services, telecommunication and enterprise networks.

The new offering allows control of switches and routers that support the 1.0 specification of the OpenFlow protocol, which provides external control of routers and switches through an open interface.

The OpenFlow controller aggregates the control of OpenFlow equipment into a single platform and provides a programmable interface for the entire infrastructure as a unified network operating system.

The new software has been provided to Stanford University, Kyushu Institute of Technology (KIT) and Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) for experimentation and evaluation.

NEC principle researcher Hideyuki Shimonishi said the company’s network operating system enables the continuous evolution of network architecture and they expect a sort of natural selection process whereby some architectures quickly disappear and others become popular.

The company said the new offering was partly supported by Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) in R&D of Green Network Basic Technology program.