A new Microsoft venture within the IoT industry is set to grow exponentially as the company reveals it will be working with Fujitsu and Miele.

The partnership with Japanese Fujitsu will target production efficiency and help drive costs down by controlling the power of IoT and M2M platforms, creating IoT based devices to improve the manufacturing of other products.

The collaboration was announced at Hannover Messe, a trade fair for industrial technology, where Fujitsu explained how a Microsoft Azure database has already been used to pull in data from a variety of sources, while the IoT and M2M platforms were used to bring greater productivity and capabilities.

Hiroyuki Sakai, EVP, Head of Global Marketing at Fujitsu said: "Leveraging the Fujitsu Eco-Management Dashboard solution alongside Microsoft Azure and the Fujitsu IoT/M2M platform, we are able to deliver real-time visualisation of the engineering process for big data analytics to improve the entire production process and inform decision-making."

Also revealed at the same event was the collaboration between Microsoft and Miele. The home appliances company said it will be using Microsoft Azure IoT services to create a whole new set of solutions for the smart home.

For example, consumers will be able to find a recipe online, have the ingredient list and preparation instructions sent to their Smartphone and the smart oven will be automatically configured with the correct settings to cook the perfect meal.

Miele announced that it had already concluded a proof-of-concept study on Microsoft’s technologies and plans to start smart appliances development as soon as possible.

Caglayan Arkan, Microsoft’s Worldwide Manufacturing and Resources general manager said: "This is just one example of how the Internet of Things and cloud technology are moving from enterprise experiences to personal experiences. Miele is driving a truly innovative home solution that we are looking forward to experiencing in our own kitchens."

Dr. Eduard Sailer, Miele’s executive director of Technical Affairs at Miele, said: "This assistance system incorporates temperature charts, times and the machine’s special features, such as adding steam, to create the optimum roasting, cooking or baking results. This allows people to get the best results out of their cooking appliances."