With Poet Software Inc pressing all the right buttons – object/relational, XML/SGML and embedded Java – its venture backers are seeking an exit strategy that could lead to a Nasdaq IPO in the first or second quarter of next year, according to an insider. The company says it’s also been approached by international banks about a foreign listing that it says it could probably do more quickly than a US filing. Poet says Navajo – already licensed by phone giant LM Ericsson AB (CI No 3,471) – is smaller and offers features such as transaction processing, XML, two-phase commit and dynamic loading that rival embedded Java database from Object Design Inc and Cloudscape Inc don’t. Cloudscape’s database is some 1.5Mb compared with the 200Kb Navajo. It says Navajo is perfect for use with the Symbian Ltd real-time operating system which is being developed by Ericsson Nokia Oy and Psion Plc and is based upon the Psion’s EPOC system software. Why Navajo? It’s got the word Java in it – albeit backwards. Meantime Poet’s offering evaluation copies of its content management suite for adding XML content to applications used in conjunction with its Poet Object Server.