IBM said that JVC Kenwood Holdings, the joint holding company of Victor Company of Japan (JVC) and Kenwood, has signed a ¥2.6 billion, six-year strategic outsourcing contract with IBM Japan for the management of its information technology (IT) systems and shared hosting services.

Reportedly, JVC Kenwood Holdings will leverage cloud computing to develop an infrastructure that acts like internet to allow access to a range of technology resources.

IBM said that the new system uses its Shared Hosting Services for IBM System z mainframes (zSHS) and will be hosted out of its data center in Makuhari, Chiba, Japan. The zSHS model will provide IT assets and resources according to system demands and needs.

In addition, IBM will also centralise IT resources by relocating JVC Kenwood Holdings’ existing data centers in Saitama and Tokyo to IBM’s Makuhari Data Centre, which has a seismic- isolated structure and fully redundant electrical system for enhanced resiliency and security.

IBM System z provides shared workloads in a single server with an automation of server provisioning and de-provisioning, to deliver virtual assets to a multitude of tenants, the company said.